Welcome to Yaka

The first Singapore property related data viewer on map

What Yaka is and is NOT

Yaka is a map oriented visualization tool for property related data. You can easily find what properties/schools are around an area and visualize the attributes, e.g. psf, number of sale etc., by colors.

Yaka is NOT a property listing portal at this moment, i.e. you will be unable to find what units are for sale/rent on market.

Here are example scenarios where Yaka can help.

What does Yaka Bytes mean

Yaka Bytes is a proptech (property technology) company based at Singapore. The name "Yaka" is inspired by Yaka Arrow (as in the video), the powerful weapon used by Yondu Udonta in the Guardian of the Galaxy. We hope that our most important weapon, the codes (consisting of bytes), can share the following attributes with Yaka Arrow.